Validation is important for entrepreneurs.
Carol Clegg Carol Clegg

Validation is important for entrepreneurs.

You cannot pour from an empty cup.

As entrepreneurs we can find so much fulfillment in exploring our creativity.

By taking care of ourselves and not running on empty, we have space for more creativity, enthusiastic passion, and bright ideas.

There are many ways to fill your cup. Spend a few minutes in silent contemplation, allow yourself to be present in the moment. Thoughts rushing in? Note them and let them move on.

You might have a gorgeous sunrise filling your view, maybe it’s the ocean or just the quiet space in your room surrounded by things that are familiar. Reflect and enjoy the present moment.

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Simple Ways to Take a Break
Carol Clegg Carol Clegg

Simple Ways to Take a Break

Go for a walk: Taking a brisk walk can help clear your mind and provide a refreshing change of scenery.

Practice mindfulness: Spend a few minutes being present and mindful, focusing on your breath, and letting go of any stress or tension.

Read a book: Escape into a good book and let your imagination wander to a different world.

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Top 10 Ways to Take A Break as a Solopreneur
Carol Clegg Carol Clegg

Top 10 Ways to Take A Break as a Solopreneur

10 ways to take a break as a solopreneur. Many solopreneurs think taking time off means squandering opportunities, losing business or wasting money. But, if it's done right, taking time off can actually provide more energy, add a new perspective to old situations and increase effectiveness.

If you're one of those people who don't take all the time off you need, you're not alone.

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